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College Life Hacks Every Fresher Needs to Know

College Life Hacks Every Fresher Needs to Know

Team Missy

So, you’ve made it to college! The freedom, the independence, the no more uniforms – it’s all pretty exciting, right? But as amazing as college is, the first few weeks can also be a little overwhelming. From figuring out where your classes are to trying not to blow your budget in the first week, there’s a lot to take in. Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!

Here’s a fun and practical guide to surviving your first few weeks of college like a total pro…

1. Master the Art of Cheap (and Tasty) Student Meals

Let’s face it: college = budgeting. You’ll probably want to save as much as possible for nights out or splurging on the latest must-have makeup. But that doesn’t mean you have to live on instant noodles. Here’s how to eat well without breaking the bank:

  • Meal Prep is Your New BFF: Cooking in bulk can save you time and money. Make a big batch of pasta, stir-fry, or curry that you can reheat during the week. Think of it as your future self thanking you when you’re too tired to cook after a long day.
  • Student-Friendly Grocery Stores: Aldi, Lidl, and Tesco are your go-to spots for affordable groceries. Keep an eye out for deals and offers, especially on essentials like rice, pasta, and frozen veggies. Bonus tip: grab your fresh produce at the end of the day for markdowns!
  • Freezer is Life: Buy bread, meat, or veggies in bulk and freeze what you don’t use straight away. This way, nothing goes to waste, and you’ll always have ingredients on hand for last-minute meals.

2. Get the Most Out of Student Discounts

One of the absolute perks of being a student? The endless discounts. From clothes to tech, you’ll want to take full advantage of all the offers out there.

  • Unidays & Student Beans: Sign up for these apps to unlock discounts on everything from ASOS and Nike to Spotify and Apple. Whether you need a new outfit for a night out or want to save on your subscriptions, these platforms have your back.
  • Flash Your Student ID Everywhere: You’d be surprised how many places offer student discounts if you just ask. Cafes, cinemas, clothing stores – even your local gym! Don’t be shy, your student card is your golden ticket to savings.

3. Ace Your Organisation Game

In college, no one’s going to remind you when your assignments are due, and with a random timetable, it’s easy to lose track. Staying organized from the start will save you so much stress down the line.

  • Google Calendar & Notion: These apps will become your best friends. Google Calendar is perfect for tracking your lectures, study sessions, and social plans, while Notion is great for managing tasks, assignments, and taking notes.
  • Sync Your Timetable: Most colleges let you download your timetable, so sync it with your phone calendar to avoid missing any lectures (especially those pesky 9 a.m. ones).
  • Set Alarms for Deadlines: Avoid the dreaded all-nighter by setting reminders for when assignments are due. Even better, set a reminder a week or two before to give yourself time to work on it!

4. Find the Best Study Spots

The library might be the obvious choice, but it’s not the only place on campus where you can study. Here’s how to find your perfect study spot:

  • Explore Your Campus: Whether it’s a cozy corner in a student cafe or a quiet nook in a less popular building, explore the campus to find your ideal study space. You might even find some hidden gems!
  • Mix Up Your Locations: Sometimes a change of scenery is all you need to spark productivity. Alternate between the library, common rooms, and coffee shops for a fresh environment that keeps you motivated.
  • Early Bird or Night Owl? Figure out when you work best. If you’re an early riser, hit the library in the morning when it’s quieter. If you’re more productive at night, find a late-night study spot that suits your routine.

5. Make Use of Free College Resources

Your college is packed with resources you might not even know about yet. From academic support to career advice, make sure you’re taking full advantage.

  • Free Software: Most colleges offer free or discounted access to software like Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Cloud, and more. Check out what’s available through your college portal – it could save you a fortune.
  • Student Support Services: Struggling with a subject? Feeling overwhelmed? Colleges offer everything from free tutoring to mental health support, so don’t be afraid to reach out if you need help.
  • Library Access = Free Books: Before you go buying all your textbooks, check if they’re available in the library or as eBooks. It could save you a serious chunk of change.

6. Maximise Your Free Time

College isn’t all about studying – it’s also about having fun, meeting new people, and trying new things. But balancing your social life with your studies can be tricky.

See Also

  • Join Societies and Clubs: Whether you’re into sports, music, gaming, or activism, there’s a society for everyone. Joining a club is one of the easiest ways to meet people and get involved in college life.
  • Use Your Free Gaps Wisely: Got a two-hour break between lectures? Instead of scrolling through TikTok (although we know it’s tempting), use that time to get some work done or catch up with friends. It’ll free up your evenings for more fun stuff!
  • Prioritize ‘Me’ Time: With all the excitement, it’s easy to overbook yourself. Make sure you’re setting aside time to chill, watch Netflix, or do whatever helps you recharge. Self-care is key to surviving college stress-free.

7. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Finally, remember that it’s totally okay to ask for help. Whether it’s figuring out how to navigate campus or needing advice on balancing your workload, there are tons of people who can help.

  • Reach Out to Classmates: Your classmates are in the same boat, so don’t hesitate to ask questions or form study groups. Helping each other out is all part of the experience.
  • Talk to Lecturers: They’re not as scary as they seem! If you’re confused about an assignment or struggling with the material, reach out to your lecturers. They’re there to help.
  • Use College Support Systems: Many colleges offer peer mentoring programs or counseling services. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or just need to chat, take advantage of these resources – you’re never alone!

College is a blast, but it’s also a whole new world of independence, responsibility, and opportunity. With these life hacks, you’ll be well on your way to thriving during your first weeks and beyond. So, get out there, soak up the experience, and most importantly – enjoy every second – it flies by in the blink of an eye!

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