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How to Succeed at Stress-Free Weekend Study

How to Succeed at Stress-Free Weekend Study

Sophie Coffey

Between first and fifth year, it is likely that you have invested some time in weekend study, however, this tends to be exclusively in advance of exam season or a particularly tricky test. Regular and timetabled weekend study is unfortunately an unavoidable element of 6th Year, and it can be a tough one to succeed at, but with these tips you will master it in no time!

Prevent Procrastination

Motivation is something most people struggle with, particularly at the beginning of the year when the exams seem so far away. Procrastinating your study will not help either your academic aims or your stress levels. Start in the morning where possible and set yourself a reasonable goal to work towards. The weekend is the one opportunity you have not to work in the dark evenings so take advantage of the natural light of the day.

Remove Your Phone

Of course, this tip applies to any potential distractions but for most of us our phones are by far the worst culprits. My best advice is to completely remove your phone from your room where possible. If you need access to it in order to aid your study, always test out alternatives first e.g. use a physical dictionary in place of Google translate. Even if these appear to take longer this will be balanced out by any potential distractions incurred by your phone.

Organise Your Breaks

Allow regular breaks for yourself and modify the activities to incorporate a variety of fresh air, a snack or something away from your desk. One recommendation is to work for periods of length 10 minutes plus your age e.g. an 18 year old should take a break every 28 minutes. This may not suit you but find an option that does work for you and factor this into your plan to maintain your productive streak.

Do Not Believe Everyone’s Study Timetables

Your friends may claim to have done “literally nothing!” over the weekend but then somehow miraculously whip out a fresh set of neatly colour coded notes in the following class.

My sixth-year experience was unique but even I never accomplished self-writing notes! Focus on your own weekend study and try not to worry about other people’s revision plans or unverified claims as this can lead you to second guess yourself.

See Also

Treat Yourself

In sixth year, your weekends will involve more revision than anyone would willingly choose, but they are still your chance to relax and take a break following a busy week. Be sure to allow yourself time to simply watch your favourite tv show or meet up with friends. Another highly recommended tip is to always leave your Sunday evenings free and do something relaxing to help you recharge for the busy week ahead.

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