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How To Survive The First Week of College

How To Survive The First Week of College

Alannah Murray

Starting college can be daunting. It’s definitely not like school (which is great!) but suddenly you’re faced with navigating a timetable, learning professors names and trying to figure out where you should be. And not having a uniform can be a weird experience at first!

Don’t worry, we’ve been there and back and are now well somewhat fine. Here are some small tricks to have up your sleeve for the first week of any college. 

DO go to all the introductory lectures 

They may not all be a requirement, but chances are there is some valuable info being said in there and it’s also a great place to make some pals. 

DO speak to people

Even small talk can do the trick because now you have a friendly face in your midst. You may not stay friends but a slight not in a hallway is enough to make you feel calm. 

DO sign up for too many clubs and societies

And you wont go to them all, hell you may not even stick with any of them. But they’re breeding ground for new college friends. So do it. And there’s usually a goodie bag and discount cards too.

DO read the entire booklet

You’ll be given a course booklet. READ IT. I can’t stress enough, there will be something in there about exams or lectures that’ll you’ll need to know and if you don’t know it it will give you a shock when it gets around to it. 

DO go to freshers events

It’s a laugh, it’s cheap and you’ll make friends. What more do you want? 

DO bring a notebook

Something you can write everything and anything into. What you need for a class, what that stupid long word means and where the nearest toilets are. 

See Also

DO be yourself and relax

It’s scary but every other first year is nervous, even if they don’t seem it. And every other college student has been there, even if they don’t admit it.

Have you any tips for the first week of college?

Read More: What You Need To Know Before Starting College

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