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Summer Plans On A Budget

Summer Plans On A Budget

Rachael Dunphy

After thinking about it all year; after counting down the days until that final bell, the summer break is finally here.

With most secondary schools in Ireland getting close to a three month holiday, it can be hard to fill in the time, while also trying to make the most of your time off. So we’ve put together a summer bucket list of things you can do with your friends around Ireland, on a budget.

Day Trips

No matter where in Ireland you live, there’s guaranteed to be somewhere for a day trip. Whether it’s Emerald Park in County Meath, a trip to a city like Galway or Cork, or even to somewhere Instagrammable like the National Botanic Gardens. You don’t need a big budget to have fun, as long as you have good company. 

Use what you have at home

Making the most of where you live is exactly what summer is all about. Maybe you live near a beach or the mountains, or maybe you live surrounded by fields in the countryside. Whether we like to admit it or not, Ireland is actually a pretty stunning place, especially when the sun shines. Making a habit of a daily walk with a good playlist and a cute outfit around your home town will 100% make you feel like the main character.

Movie nights

Whenever we watch American movies or tv shows, they’re always obsessed with ‘backyard movie nights’, which is really just a laptop, blankets, snacks and a film. If you’re feeling fancy, you could even invest in a projector for your back garden, and maybe some Penney’s fairy lights to give it that main character feeling.

A productive hobby

You probably want to take a break from studying over the summer months, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop learning. Some inexpensive hobbies could include learning to crochet or knit, downloading DuoLingo and practising a new language, or even using what you have at home. Videos on YouTube or TikTok can help you upskill your hair or makeup techniques without ever having to leave the house.

See Also

 Romanticise the little things

We all take the little things in life for granted – whether it be a walk with your family, lunch with your friends, or even your commute to your summer job. As the TikTok girlies are calling it, sometimes you have to make it out like you’re the main character of your life. Be it wearing your favourite perfume just to go to work, or sitting in the park with a book and a playlist, it’s so important to make the most of these little moments.

Got any summer plan suggestions? Let us know on Instagram or TikTok what your plans are for summer 2023!

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