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The Ultimate College Fresher Bucket List: 15 Things You Have to Do in Your First Year

The Ultimate College Fresher Bucket List: 15 Things You Have to Do in Your First Year

Team Missy

Your first year of college is full of excitement, new experiences, and a whole lot of freedom. It’s a time to try new things, meet amazing people, and create unforgettable memories. But with so much going on, it’s easy to let the months slip by without making the most of all the opportunities college has to offer. That’s where this bucket list comes in! We’ve put together the ultimate checklist of must-do activities to help you make the most of your freshman year. Ready? Let’s go!

1. Explore Every Corner of Your Campus

You’ll be spending a lot of time on campus, so why not make it your mission to explore every nook and cranny? Find those hidden study spots, the best coffee hangouts, and all the secret shortcuts between buildings. It’s a great way to get to know your new environment and feel at home.

2. Join a Club (Or Three!)

College is all about trying new things, so sign up for a society or club that interests you – or maybe even one that’s completely outside your comfort zone! Whether it’s a sports team, debating, or something quirky like a Harry Potter society, it’s the perfect way to meet new people and discover a new passion.

3. Pull an All-Nighter (At Least Once)

We’re not saying you should make a habit of staying up all night, but every college student should experience the madness of an all-nighter at least once. Whether it’s for a study session or an impromptu night out, it’s a rite of passage.

4. Go to a College Party

You’ve probably heard all about college parties – now it’s time to experience one! Even if partying isn’t usually your thing, give it a go at least once. You don’t have to drink or stay all night – just enjoy the social vibe, meet some new people, and dance like no one’s watching.

5. Get Involved in Freshers’ Week

Freshers’ Week is the time to dive headfirst into college life. From club fairs and campus tours to themed parties and free food events, there’s something for everyone. Don’t be shy – this is your chance to meet as many people as possible and start making friends.

6. Try Something Completely Out of Your Comfort Zone

College is all about new experiences, so make sure you do something totally unexpected. Take up a weird hobby, go to a new type of event, or volunteer for something you’ve never done before. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone will help you grow and make college more memorable.

7. Go on a Random Adventure with Friends

Some of the best memories come from spontaneous moments. Grab a few friends and go on a last-minute road trip, explore a nearby town, or even just take a late-night walk around campus. The best adventures are often unplanned!

8. Attend a Lecture Outside Your Course

Curious about a subject that’s completely different from what you’re studying? Sit in on a lecture from another department! It’s a great way to learn something new and mix things up a bit – and who knows, you might discover a hidden interest.

9. Decorate Your Dorm Room

Make your space yours. Whether you’re living in a dorm or shared accommodation, take the time to decorate your room and make it feel cozy and personal. Hang up photos, add fairy lights, and fill it with things that make you happy – it’s your new home away from home!

10. Take Advantage of Student Discounts

One of the best things about being a student is all the discounts you get. Make the most of them! Whether it’s fashion, tech, or food, always ask if there’s a student discount available – your wallet will thank you.

11. Make Friends with Your Roommates

Living with new people can be one of the most exciting (and sometimes challenging) parts of college life. Make an effort to get to know your roommates – you might just end up being lifelong friends. Whether it’s cooking together or watching Netflix in your common area, bonding with your roomies is key to making your accommodation feel more like home.

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12. Try Out the Campus Gym

Most colleges have great gym facilities, and as a student, you often get free or discounted access. Whether you’re a fitness fanatic or just looking for a new way to destress, hitting the gym can be a great way to stay healthy, meet new people, and boost your energy.

13. Attend a College Sporting Event

Even if you’re not a huge sports fan, going to a college match or game is an experience you don’t want to miss. The energy, the excitement, and the school spirit are all part of the fun. Grab a few friends, paint your face in your college colors, and cheer your team on!

14. Explore the Local Area

College isn’t just about your campus – it’s also about the city or town you’re living in. Take time to explore the local area, visit cool cafes, check out the nightlife, or go sightseeing. It’s a great way to take a break from studying and discover your new surroundings.

15. Make Time for Self-Care

Among all the fun and excitement, it’s important to take care of you. College can be stressful, so make sure to carve out time for self-care. Whether it’s watching your favorite show, taking a walk, or catching up on sleep, looking after yourself is key to surviving the craziness of freshman year.

Your first year of college is going to fly by, so why not make the most of it with this bucket list? From trying new things to making unforgettable memories, this is your time to dive in headfirst, have fun, and experience everything college has to offer!

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