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Why Spending Time Alone Is Important

Why Spending Time Alone Is Important

Ella Morley

Although it may feel like we’ve spent far too much of the past year isolated from family and friends, being comfortable in your own company is so important.

Taking time for yourself is so important for both your mental and physical health. In the long run, looking after yourself increases your productivity and self-confidence. Nobody else will do this for you so remember to remain aware that it is your responsibility to look after yourself.

Here’s why spending time alone is important…

It allows you to destress

Taking some time out for yourself is important when you are feeling swamped. Maybe you will decide to put on your favourite song, go for a quick walk or eat a quick snack before facing back to work. This break allows you to destress and alleviate any anxiety you may feel. Within this time, you are able to check in with yourself and see if you are overwhelmed or have any worries that can be solved easily. Even when you cannot come up with a solution it is important to be aware of what is causing you stress. Meditation or yoga can be a great help when it comes to relaxing. Take a deep breath right and check in with yourself, how you are feeling?

Nobody else is responsible for your mental health

You and only you can decide the stresses you take on and the worries you have. Therefore no one else can decide when you need time for yourself. A lot of people do not understand this and wait for others to tell them. You must decide this for yourself. Other people will not know your stress capacity and when you need time off. Only you can gauge this. This may mean having to turn down an invitation or not going on a night out if the pressure is on. That is perfectly within your rights. No need for guilt trips – remember that.

Be more productive

When you are anxious and stressed, those very feelings can negatively impact your mental health and your workload. A break allows you to come back refreshed and relaxed, ready to tackle whatever workload you have left. In this state of mind, you will find your work gets completed faster and is positively impacted at the same time. What’s more is that you will feel better too. It is important therefore that you do not feel stressed for taking a break but rather look at it in a positive light as a way of becoming more productive.

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Increase self-confidence

With a better work ethic and better work completed overall you will find your confidence will being to steadily increase. The opposite will only impact on your mental and physical health. Your mental health will plummet if you are unhealthily stressed all the time. You will be constantly tired and will not be able for work or do any other activities. Hence your physical health will begin to decrease. Do not let this happen to you by taking time for yourself, especially when you feel life is beginning to affect your health.

Making space for ‘you’ time is so important because nobody else will and it will only affect your life in a positive way as your mental and physical health starts to soar and your productivity and self – confidence grows.

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