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Monday Myths: Makeup

Monday Myths: Makeup

Róisín Lynch

‘Monday Myths’ is a new segment on, where we state facts about certain topics, and you decide if you believe them to be true or false. We’ll then let you know whether it’s true or not.

This week’s topic is…Makeup.

Makeup Myths Busted

You should take your makeup off before bed…


Leaving your makeup on overnight can clog your pores making your skin dehydrated and more prone to infections and breakouts.

You don’t need to wash your makeup brushes if you are the only one using them…


Residue from products and dust build up on your brushes. Not washing your brushes can effect how well your makeup is applied as well as cause mild breakouts on your skin. It is reccomend you wash your makeup brushes after very use but not everyone has time for that, so once a week is a good goal to aim for.

The more expensive the brand the better the makeup…


Just because a product cost more does not necessarily mean it is better. It all comes down to the ingredients of the product. Try loads of different brands to find what works best for you.

All Makeup damages your skin…


While it is true that heavy use of makeup may clog your pores, generally it is not the only thing responsible for a breakout. There are even makeup brands that actually help with blemishes while wearing them such as bare minerals and Clinique

See Also
a picture of cutie pimple patches shaped lik a love heart

Your eyebrows should be two tones darker than your skin …


How dark you should go with your eyebrows is different for everyone. It ultimately comes down to the shade of your hair. This rule really only applies for those with dark hair such as black  or brunette.

You need to throw away your mascara once it dries  …


Mascara typically dries after 3 months and should be thrown away. Once it  dries you are more susceptible to eye infections.

Have any of these makeup myths surprised you?

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