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We Need To Talk About Kylie Skin

We Need To Talk About Kylie Skin

Team Missy

Billionaire Makeup mogul Kylie Jenner has announced her newest company – a skincare range called Kylie Skin – and we have thoughts about it at

No shade towards Kylie. If I could launch my own cosmetics company I 100% would. I wasn’t a huge fan of Kylie Cosmetics, but I’ve only tried 2 or 3 products because of the customs fees. And I will admit that I was a little bit excited when I saw that she was launching Kylie Skin because I love all things beauty….but then I saw Kylie Skin and I have a lot of thoughts about it.

Of course I have not tried Kylie Skin because it’s obvs not released yet and TBH I probably won’t try it. The full set is $125. Add customs fees into that and it will be close to €200. I’m finally at a good place with my skincare routine and I I’m very skeptical about certain products in this range (which I’ll get into below).

But first my big issue with Kylie Skin…

You Will NOT Have Skin Like Kylie Jenner!

I’m not here to hate on Kylie Jenner, what she chooses to do with her own body is completely up to her, but she has had a tone of fillers, botox, laser treatments, skin peels and probably a hundred other treatments that cost $$$ in LA.

I don’t buy that she’s “only” had her lips done and that she has “had them dissolved since”.

Again, her body her choice. I do have an issue with her not being honest about what she’s had done and then peddling skincare products and making people believe that they will get the same results; you wont.

No (Walnut) Scrubs

Again, I was interested to see what the products were like, until Kylie took out the scrub. OMG the scrub! It reminded me of the St. Ives Apricot Scrub, that I will admit to using when I was in my early teens because I didn’t know any better.

Yes, a scrub like that will make your skin “feel super baby soft” like Kylie says, but that isn’t a good thing when you end up seriously damaging your skin in the process.

I thought that we had gone well beyond using harsh exfoiliators. Chemical exfoilators are so much better for your skin and actually give great benefits. I’m a bit baffled that Kylie didn’t go down the chemical exfoiliator road considering The Ordinary, Glossier and Pixi, to name but a few, are doing really well producing these products.

100% skip this exfoliator (and all of them like it!) and instead go for something like The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution 30ml. Or a low percent daily exfoliator like Pixi Glow Tonic.

Face Wipes Are Bad Awful For The Environment

It’s very tone-deaf that Kylie has come along with face wipes just as there is starting to be a huge conversations about sustainability and waste. There’s been a lot of talk in particular about face wipes and just how awful they are for the environment. Check out this video to see what happens to makeup wipes when they are flushed.

It’s just disappointing that someone with over a billion dollars and so many resources can’t be bothered to come up with something that is more environmentally friendly. And on top of that Kylie is charging $10 for a pack of face wipes. Like, what???

Face Wipes Are Also Bad For Your Skin

Not only do the majority of face wipes contain chemicals that strip your skin of its natural barrier (thus leading to premature ageing and dehydration), but they also aren’t good enough for a thorough cleanse.

See Also

Writing on her website, Jennifer Rock – aka The Skin Nerd – said, “Yes, make-up wipes remove some of your make-up but they don’t come close to removing all of it. When you leave residual make-up, oils and grime on your skin, all of the debris clogs your pores and prevents products (like toners and exfoliators) from properly penetrating the skin’s upper layers”.

This can lead to a build-up of dirt and grime, which in turn tends to lead to congested skin and breakouts.

“If you’re starting your skincare routine with a wipe, everything that comes after is essentially pointless,” Jennifer Rock says. Yikes!

The Future of Kylie Skin

If you want to try Kylie Skin, by all means go ahead, but do have realistic expectations for the results that you’ll get. And please avoid the face scrub like the plague and all face wipes from every brand.

There has been a significant backlash about the scrub and the face wipes, so it will be interesting to see if Kylie takes that onboard moving forward as she has promised more products in the Kylie Skin range.

What are your thoughts on Kylie Skin? Will you be trying it?

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