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March Editor’s Letter: I Have Rage

March Editor’s Letter: I Have Rage

Team Missy

How am I writing March Editor’s Letter? Where is the time going? Answers on a postcard.

Firstly, thank you so much to everyone who reached out to me about last months Editor’s Letter. I really wasn’t expecting to get the reaction that I got. Honestly, I was actually so scared to publish it because I was worried that it veered way too much into personal territory. I guess the lesson is to push that self-doubt away and listen to your gut.

So, what’s on my mind this month? A lot.

There’s a very high profile trial going on in Ireland at this moment in time that has left me screaming at the Six One News most evenings. It just reminds me so much of Louise O’ Neill’s Asking For It. And that just terrifies me.

Because it’s a very triggering and upsetting topic I re-shared our article on consent on Twitter. I can’t say I was very shocked with some of the comments that I got in response. I just blocked them. But the fact that I wasn’t surprised by the some of the comments is very sad and shows the world that we still live in.

I have so much rage and it’s been building and building for a while now. And I’ve realised that I just can’t anymore. As a woman I’m find it so exhausting. Not to borrow from a really unfortunate hashtag movement, but yes I do know that not all men are predators. But this rape culture that we all seem to live in is just exhausting. Once you become really aware you just cant stop noting all the things that are wrong around you. I’m becoming more aware of just what a struggle it is to be a women in today’s society. But I don’t think that I’m alone in that frustration and that’s a comfort.

Buckle up girls, because its going to be a difficult few months with the Referendum on The 8th looming. On a side note I’ve been asked when we are going to deal with it on Missy. As of right now we are waiting an official confirmation of the date, so we will hold off until the end of this month going into April. If you want to contribute in any way to the 8th discussion on Missy get in touch. I’ve already had some readers approach me, which has blown me away.

March on Missy

Anyway, on to nicer things. A bit like last month we’re just going with it. I’m super excited to say that our team has grown and we will be featuring some new writers this month. If you’re interested in contributing to get in touch!

As always drop me an email anytime !

Have a lovely month!



Images: Ana Hard

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