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How To Become More Well Informed

How To Become More Well Informed

Anna Powell

How do you become a well informed person?

Technology has made it possible for new information to be spread at an extremely quick rate by so many different sources at the same time. This makes it even more frustrating to become well informed as it is so important to make sure that you are consuming factual information from a reliable source.

So, how do you become more well informed without consuming inaccurate information, getting overwhelmed or getting bored?

Reliable Source

When you are consuming information, it is so important that you are consuming it from a reliable source. It is a good idea to try and find people that are qualified to speak on topics of interest to you or to consume media from well-respected organisations. It’s important to always check the source of your information and not just believe something because it has been stated as a fact. That does not mean it is true. 

Topics that Interest you

You don’t have to be an expert on topics that you are uninterested in just because you wish to be a more well informed person. There is nothing wrong about following your interests and learning about topics or genres that have grabbed your attention. However, It is a good idea to consume information that has a different viewpoint to you  on a subject. This will help you to become more well informed. Not only will you hear a different perspective on the subject that may or may not end up agreeing with, but it will also help you to back up your own opinion with new points.

Although there is nothing wrong with following your interests, it is important to push yourself out of your comfort zone every now and again. Every now and again you should put aside some time to read/listen or watch something that you may not have previously considered as an interesting option. This could result in you learning something new and prompt you to keep up to date with it.

Mediums that interest you

In order to become a more well informed person, you need to figure out what mediums of information are of interest to you. Do you enjoy obtaining the news through a newspaper? Do you like flicking through a magazine? Are you into podcasts? Do you enjoy watching Documentaries? Learning should be fun and enjoyable. Spend some time researching to find a platform that helps you to learn about new topics while being entertained.

Find a medium that suits you

The majority of us lead very busy lives. This is why it is vital that you find a platform that suits your daily life. You should be able to digest new information every day without it being a struggle. This could look like listening to podcasts or the radio on your daily commute to and from school. You could also follow news platforms on your social media feed so that you see updates on your daily scroll through Instagram. Sometimes the best way to digest new information is to not even realise that you are doing it.

See Also

These are just some simple ways to become more well informed, but learning if a lifelong process so keep engaging in topics and don’t stress if you don’t fully understand something.

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