Missy.ie Submission Guidelines

We’re so excited that you want to contribute to Missy.ie!

To help you create amazing content that has the best chance of being featured, we’ve put together some guidelines. Whether you’re submitting an article, a video, or any other type of content, these tips will help you shine!

General Submission Guidelines

  • Originality: All submissions must be original and created by you. Plagiarism or copying someone else’s work (including AI-generated content) will not be accepted.
  • Age Eligibility: Submissions are open to teens aged 13-19. If you’re under 18, please ensure you have parental consent.
  • Format: Submit your content in the specified format (e.g., Word document for articles, MP4 for videos).
  • Respectful Content: Ensure your content is respectful and appropriate for a teen audience. Avoid offensive language, imagery, or topics.

Article Submission Guidelines

Categories: Articles & Opinion Pieces, Book & Movie Reviews, Beauty & Fashion, Lifestyle, Creative Writing

  • Word Count: Articles should be between 500-1,000 words. Creative writing pieces can be up to 1,500 words.
  • Original Work: All writing must be your own. Do not submit plagiarised content or use AI tools to generate your articles. We value your authentic voice.
  • Structure:
    • Title: Make sure your title is catchy and reflective of the content.
    • Introduction: Hook your readers with an engaging opening.
    • Body: Develop your ideas clearly and logically. Use headings or bullet points if it helps.
    • Conclusion: Summarise your thoughts and leave your readers with something to think about.
  • Tone & Style: Write in a conversational tone that’s relatable to your peers. We’re looking for content that’s informative, engaging, and fun to read.
  • Grammar & Spelling: Double-check your work for any spelling or grammatical errors before submitting.

Social Media Content Guidelines

Categories: Beauty Tutorials, Day-in-the-Life Vlogs, Vox Pops, Fashion & Style Videos, Hacks

  • Permission: Ensure that everyone featured in your video or images has given their permission to be included. For anyone under 18, parental consent is required.
  • Camera Quality:
    • Clean Your Lens: A clean camera lens makes all the difference in video and photo quality.
    • Lighting: Use natural light when possible, or make sure you’re filming in a well-lit area. Avoid harsh shadows or backlighting that can make it hard to see you.
    • Audio: Make sure your audio is clear. If you’re filming outside, be mindful of wind or background noise.
  • Video Length:
    • Vlogs: Aim for 2-4 minutes.
    • Tutorials: 2-5 minutes, focused on clear, step-by-step instructions.
    • Vox Pops: 1-2 minutes, concise and to the point.
  • Editing: Keep your edits clean and simple. Avoid overly flashy transitions or effects that might distract from your message.
  • Aspect Ratio: For Instagram and TikTok, shoot in vertical format (9:16). For YouTube, use horizontal format (16:9).
  • Captions & Text: If you’re adding text or captions, make sure they’re easy to read and don’t cover important parts of the video.
  • Please Keep Original Footage: Please keep a copy of footage as we may contact you to re-edit something to fit Missy guidelines.

Photography & Visual Content Guidelines

Categories: Fashion & Style, Beauty, Lifestyle Photography

  • Resolution: Submit high-resolution images (at least 1080px wide).
  • Composition: Pay attention to the composition of your shot. Make sure the subject is well-framed and the focus is clear.
  • Lighting: Use natural or well-balanced artificial light. Avoid harsh shadows or overexposed areas.
  • Editing: Subtle edits to enhance your photo are great, but avoid over-editing. Keep colors natural and ensure the image looks polished.

Submission Process

  • Review: Before submitting, please ensure your content meets all the guidelines outlined above.
  • Submit: Email your submission to hello@missy.ie with “SUBMISSION” in the subject line. Attach your work directly to the email or use Dropbox for larger files.

  • Additional Requirements:
  • If you’re under 18, you must attach a signed permission slip from your parent or guardian. Download here.
  • Include a short bio about yourself in the email (name you’d like to be credited as, age, county etc)

  • Important: Submissions will not be accepted if they are incomplete or do not meet the requirements.
  • Confirmation: Once we receive your submission, you’ll receive an automated email confirming it. We aim to review all submissions within two weeks.

What Happens Next?

  • Review: Our editorial team will review your submission. If your content is selected, we may make minor edits for clarity or length.
  • Feature: If your work is chosen, we’ll notify you via email with the publication date. Your content will be featured on Missy.ie and shared across our social media platforms.

Final Tips

  • Be Yourself: We’re looking for authentic, original voices. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through!
  • Be Bold: Take creative risks and explore new ideas. We love seeing fresh perspectives.
  • Stay Engaged: After submitting, keep an eye on Missy.ie for updates, and engage with other creators in our community.



At Missy.ie, we are committed to fostering a positive, inclusive, and supportive community for our readers. We hold our content to high standards to ensure it aligns with our values and resonates with our audience.

Please note the following:

  • No Tolerance for Bullying: We do not tolerate any form of bullying, harassment, or disrespectful behavior. Submissions that include harmful language, discriminatory remarks, or any content that could be perceived as bullying will be immediately rejected.
  • Editorial Discretion: While we deeply appreciate the time and effort you put into creating your submissions, we are selective and protective over what we publish. Our editorial team has the final say on all content, and not every submission may be accepted for publication. This isn’t a reflection of your work.
  • Content Selection: Due to the volume of submissions we receive, it may not be possible to publish everything. We encourage you to keep creating and submitting, but please understand that we must make editorial choices that reflect our mission and audience interests.

By submitting your work to Missy.ie, you agree to these terms and understand that all editorial decisions are made in the best interest of our community. We are grateful for your contributions and are excited to see what you create!