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Monday Myths: Skincare

Monday Myths: Skincare

Róisín Lynch

‘Monday Myths’ is a new segment on, where we state facts about certain topics, and you decide if you believe them to be true or false. We’ll then let you know whether it’s true or not.

This week’s topic is…Skincare.

You don’t need to use moisturiser if you have oily skin…


This is a common myth but it is not true. If you have oily skin it is actually more important that you use moisturiser. If you don’t moisturise, your skin feels the need to over produce oil to keep it moisturised. This can make you skin problems and acne worse.

Only teenagers get acne…


While acne is more common during  your teenage years due to hormone fluctuations, adult acne is definitely a thing! Everything from diet, changing hormone levels and stress impacts a persons skin. Acne does not discriminate when it comes to age.

Retinol burns your skin …


Retinol doesn’t actually burn your skin. It can cause an irritation if you use too much of it too soon, that is why it is recommended to start with a small amount and build up from there.

There is a difference between dehydrated and dry skin …


Dry skin lacks oil while dehydrated skin lacks water and it is possible to experience both at the same time. Figure which you are experiencing and treat accordingly.

See Also

You should use skincare that suits your specific skin type…


Just because your friend is using  a certain brand and it is working wonders for her doesn’t mean the same will be true for you! Everyone has different skin types, try different brands and products and figure out what works for you!

Expensive brands have better quality products…


Just because a product is expensive doesn’t mean it is going to work for you. There are loads of good quality skincare brands out there that will do the job just fine!

Had you heard any of these skincare myths before?

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