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October Editor’s Letter

October Editor’s Letter

Team Missy

Hello October!

Anyone else a little bit freaked by how quickly September went? It really felt like a blink and you’ll miss it month. I hope that you have all settled back into routines well and a special shout out to any of you who started college. But with September done and dusted there really is no denying that the winter is flying in.

But here’s to a new month and there’s a lot to look forward to this October. The Mid-term break is just around the corner and that means Halloween! We also can’t wait for the return of Riverdale, which is back October 12th on Netflix.

This month on Missy we have a lot coming up. We have a really cool careers interview that we think you will love, the importance of self-worth, Girls Hack and everything you need to know about Repeal the 8th. All that plus our usual fashion and beauty features.

And one last note, thank you all so much to those of you who helped contribute to the success of our very first month. If you could share us with your friends we will love you forever! Don’t forget you can email me anytime, I’d love to here any thoughts or ideas you might have.

Have a wonderful October!




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