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Pride Month Is Over, But Here’s How To Keep It Going All Year

Pride Month Is Over, But Here’s How To Keep It Going All Year

Caoimhe Mahon

Each year we celebrate inclusivity, diversity and individuality through Pride month.

This is great, a time of celebration and of course pride. Though, once Pride month is over our focus on such inclusivity fades. Wouldn’t you love if Pride month wasn’t just a four week period each year but a sense of empowerment that existed 365 days a year every year?

So what can we all do to make this happen?

Educate Yourself

There are loads of things we can watch, read and listen to out there, which will keep us up to speed and educated about the LGBTQ+ community. Beginning to understand what someone might be going through and how we can be there for them is so important. You can do this, educate and empathise.

Where to start:

  • ‘Ollie Alexander Growing Up Gay’ (Show)
  • Lily A Transgender Story (Show)
  • Life isn’t Binary  (Book)
  • They Them Their  (Book)
  • Making Gay History (Podcast)
  • Getting Curious With Jonathan Van Ness (Podcast)

Show Support

If you are not part of the LGBTQ+ community but know others who are remember, constantly show your support. They shouldn’t feel like there are certain things they have to do or ways of acting. Imagine every time you meet someone or are in a social setting having to announce you are straight, ridiculous right? So why do we think it is okay for members of the LGBTQ+ community to have to announce it.

Know Your Pronouns

This might seem like something small but will actually create a big impact. If you familiarise yourself with pronouns then as soon as you meet someone you are making them feel comfortable. Knowing how to approach this in a sensitive and respectful way is key. Our vocab shouldn’t just be great for one month and then exclusive the other eleven.

Read More: Gender Identity Terms: What You Need to Know to Correctly Describe Gender & Sexuality

See Also

Read More: Here’s Why People Are Putting Their Pronouns In Their Social Media Profiles

Be Yourself

If you are part of the LGBTQ+ community then I know it is easier said than done to be yourself. Remember though you are loved and you are powerful and this should be expressed. Carry the pride you feel during pride month through the rest of the year.

Will you be making a conscious effort to keep Pride going all year?

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