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5 Online Irish Fashion Stores To Try

5 Online Irish Fashion Stores To Try

Róisín Lynch

With Brexit customs being introduced and postage delays due to Covid, shopping online on our usual websites such as ASOS and PLT has just got that little bit more difficult. This is however the perfect opportunity to expand your horizons and try out some online Irish clothing stores instead…plus it’s always nice to support our own community!

Here’s 5 online Irish fashion stores you can shop from…

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If your go to online shop is Boohoo or Pretty Little Thing then Vavavoom is right up your street! It offers very similar style clothing to the likes of Boohoo and ASOS etc., with the added bonus that it’s Irish! Everything from simple bodysuits for day to day wear to cute going out tops, the range on Vavavoom is great and the clothing is very in touch with what is currently trending!

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Another store you’ll love if you are a fan of ASOS and the likes. Very similar fashion and they offer everything from cute loungewear to trendy footwear!

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A post shared by iCLOTHING (@iclothing)

100% Irish owned and have loads of stylish clothes to choose from! They have a great collection of not only clothes but bags, shoes and accessories too..and there’s stuff for the boys too!

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This one is a little on the more expensive side but it’s nice to treat ourselves now and again! They have a fabulous collection of dresses so why not treat yourself to a nice dress so you will be ready to go out and celebrate once the restrictions ease!

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Offering a wide range of clothes, gifts, bags, accessories you name it! And all very reasonably priced as well.

So there you have it, 5 online Irish fashion stores who can fill all your online shopping needs right on your doorstep with no custom fees.

Happy shopping!

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