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Healthy Snack Ideas To Keep You Going Through Your Day

Healthy Snack Ideas To Keep You Going Through Your Day

Róisín Lynch

Snacks are the perfect energy booster throughout the day to keep you moving through your busy schedule, however, many of our go to snacks can often be over processed and full of sugar even if they are advertised as healthy.

For example, a Kellogg’s Nutri-grain Bar. On a first look the bar looks like a perfectly healthy choice for your afternoon snack, when in actual fact there is 18grams of sugar in each bar and very little protein.

Instead of grabbing a shop bought snack bar, here are some healthy snack ideas that are a little bit more beneficial to your health and will probably give you more energy during your day!

Greek yogurt and Berries

A filling yet healthy snack! Greek yogurt is high in protein, as well as being a good source of calcium and potassium. Add in some flavour by mixing in some berries. Berries are also full of anti-oxidants so this snack is a real winner!

Apple Slices and Peanut Butter

This one is definitely tasty! Slice up an apple, green or red whichever you prefer and add about a tablespoon of peanut butter. Be careful not to go over-board with the peanut butter as it can be quite high in unsaturated fat and calories but in moderation it is a great way of getting a bit of extra protein in.

Dark Chocolate and Almonds

Yes you read that right.. chocolate! Dark chocolate in small doses is actually very good for you. Dark Chocolate is a great source of anti-oxidants and has been associated with healthy blood flow and brain function so you can snack away on one to two squares a day guilt free! Add some almonds for a bit of extra protein and you have yourself a tasty yet healthy snack perfect as a middle of the day pick me up or as an after dinner treat.

Carrots and Hummus

With so many different flavours of hummus now available this snack can be rather tasty. Whether you prefer moroccan or roasted red pepper the choice is all yours. And if you aren’t a fan of carrots, try cucumber or celery instead and it is just as healthy!

Orange Slices

Orange slices are a great way of getting in your vitamin C during the winter making them perfect for preventing colds and flus during the colder months. Orange slices are a really easy snack, there’s no preparation involved just grab an orange and slice it up and it’s super tasty as well!

See Also

Nakd Bars

While you have to be cautious with what snack bars you choose there are plenty on the market that are perfectly healthy for you. Nakd bars are a great example of this. Made completely from raw fruits and nuts they are very nutritious and come in a wide variety of flavours from chocolate orange to lemon drizzle. They taste just like cake but without any of the bad stuff!

Chia Seed Pudding

This also makes for a great breakfast as well as a snack and it is super tasty! There are many different variations of it but a basic recipe to start is 1 tablespoon (15 grams) of Chia Seeds, 1/3 (80 ml) of water, 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, and some from raspberries if you fancy! Mix the chia seeds and water together in a bowl, cover and leave in the fridge over night. In the morning ( or whenever you plan on having it) stir in the cocoa powder and peanut butter and enjoy!

Have you any other healthy snack ideas?


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