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Monday Myths: Fitness

Monday Myths: Fitness

Róisín Lynch

‘Monday Myths’ is a new segment on, where we state facts about certain topics, and you decide if you believe them to be true or false. We’ll then let you know whether it’s true or not.

This week’s topic is…Fitness.

Fitness Myths Busted​

You can target your fat burn…


You can’t lose weight in once specific area i.e. just your arms or just your face. However, exercising and eating healthy will help you lose weight and tone down and this will include the areas you are looking to lose weight from. Specific exercises can help tone and build muscle in certain areas that will help you achieve your desired result!

Fasted Cardio is better than cardio after you have eaten…


There is no difference between fasted and fed cardio. Cardio is cardio and it burns calories either way! So do your cardio whenever you please because it is all the same no matter the time of day you do it!

You can use weights for toning not just building big big muscles…


If you have been avoiding weight lifting with the fear of becoming “bulky” don’t worry this is not true! Choosing light weights will tone muscles rather than increase their mass.

Diet is the most important part of a fitness plan…


While exercise is great for losing weight and keeping healthy, diet is actually the most important factor! Your diet accounts for 70% of a healthy fitness plan!

You should stretch before your workout…


Stretching is often over looked as being not that important however it is incredibly important! Stretching your muscles before and after a workout prevents injury and helps you perform better.

Feeling sore and sweaty is the only sign you have worked out enough…


You don’t have to feel like death after every workout! As long as you have got your heart rate elevated that is all that matters.

See Also

Muscle weighs more than fat…


Muscle is more dense than fat and takes up more room! This is why we shouldn’t obsess over the scale, as long as you are seeing improvements and enjoying your exercise that is all that matters.

You need to cut out carbs and junk food to lose weight…


You don’t need to eat super healthy all the time. Your body also needs carbs. It is important to include foods that you enjoy in any fitness plan, so that you form a lifestyle and don’t just get hooked on fad dieting! Everything in moderation is the way to go.

Did you believe any of these fitness myths before?

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