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Dear Missy: I never feel like I’m “enough” online

Dear Missy: I never feel like I’m “enough” online

Team Missy

Dear Missy,

Lately, I’ve been feeling so much pressure from social media. It feels like everyone around me has more followers, gets more likes, and looks perfect in every post. No matter how hard I try, I never feel like I’m “enough” online, and it’s starting to make me really insecure in real life too. I feel like I have to be perfect all the time just to keep up, but it’s exhausting.

How can I stop comparing myself to everyone else and feel better about what I post?

– Overwhelmed Online

Dear Overwhelmed Online,

First of all, huge hugs because we’ve all been there! Social media can be a lot of fun, but it can also put so much pressure on us to seem like we have it all together. The truth is, no one does! Remember that people only show their highlight reel online—you don’t see the unfiltered moments, the bad days, or the messy rooms that everyone has behind the scenes.

Instead of focusing on likes or followers, try to think about why you use social media. Is it to express yourself? Stay connected with friends? Once you know your why, it’s easier to stop comparing yourself to others.

See Also

It’s also okay to take a break if it’s all feeling too much. A little detox can do wonders for your confidence and mental health. Focus on what makes you feel good offline, and remind yourself that social media is just one part of your life—it doesn’t define you.

You’re more than enough, exactly as you are, and no number of likes or follows can change that!

– Missy

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