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Exciting News – The Den Is Coming Back To RTÉ In November!

Exciting News – The Den Is Coming Back To RTÉ In November!

Team Missy

This is not a drill!! The Den is coming back to our TV screens in November!

It was announced this afternoon on Ray D’Arcy’s radio show that the iconic programme is coming back.

The Den will return the first Sunday in November at 6.30pm on RTÉ One.

The programme, hosted by D’Arcy for eight years between 1990-1998, featured the madness of Zig and Zag, as well as Dustin the Turkey and Socky.

Announcing the news on his radio show this afternoon, Ray said: ‘The Den will return in November! We’re on in the lead-up to Christmas. We’re there for the boys and girls and parents and inviting them to do all the thing they used to, and more. It’s all very exciting and I can’t wait to be on telly with the boys again. People out there need a bit of mayhem, madness and boldness and that’s what we hope to deliver.’”

“33 years after we started, we’re going back on the telly live!,” said Zig and Zag this afternoon. ‘We’re going to have brilliant craic,’ added Dustin.

The Den made a brief return to our screens back in June as part of RTÉ Does Comic Relief where Dustin managed to enrage Niall Horan fans.

See Also

This news is definitely going to excite a person of a certain generation, particularly 90’s and 00’s kids! If you were a bit young to have missed The Den in it’s hay day, fear not; we can guarantee you are going to absolutely love it. And it’s going to be a pure joy to watch every week in the run up to Christmas. We can’t wait!

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