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Living With OCD: Everything You Need To Know

Living With OCD: Everything You Need To Know

Caoimhe Mahon

“You’re so OCD!” ever heard this before? I’m sure you have at one point or another maybe you’ve even said it to someone else, but what actually is OCD? What is it to live with OCD? What help is there out there for those with OCD?

What is OCD?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a chronic disorder where a person suffers from repetitive and uncontrollable thoughts, which they obsess over. It also involves  behaviours, which they too repeat in an uncontrollable manner because they have urges to carry out these compulsions.

Symptoms To Look Out For:

Those who suffer from OCD will experience an overload of unwanted thoughts or obsessions. The thoughts can be out of character and even darker, which can be intimidating and upsetting. 

Symptoms can also relate strongly to germs and cleanliness where people will obsess over cleaning a particular area multiple times. 

As well as thoughts OCD relates to compulsions/behaviours linking to cleanliness like washing hands, creating routines, repeating activities and creating sequences. 

People might create rituals like checking the door is locked a certain amount of times, taking a particular route or counting in a certain pattern. People with OCD find comfort in these routines and when they can’t complete the routine or set of actions they find themselves irrationally upset.

Is There Any Truth To The Myths About OCD?

Just because you have little habits does not mean you have OCD. Everyone likes to check the front door twice or put the straighteners on the bathroom tiles after using them. 

This becomes OCD though when the thoughts or behaviours become consuming of time, effort and mental wellbeing. They impact upon your daily life and leave you feeling unsettled rather than certain and content. 

They may even lead you to believe that your actions or lack thereof will have huge repercussions for example, some people may think that not counting to a certain number would lead to a loved one taking sick or an accident occurring. 

It’s also important to not through the word “OCD” around casually, either about yourself or other people. OCD is a difficult and often upsetting condition for people; having some simple quirky behaviours isn’t the same.

Some may say that OCD lies just within females; they believe it can’t occur in children but stems from childhood issues. There can also be a belief that it is only about cleanliness or that OCD can’t be treated. 

These are not true, but are in fact myths.

See Also

OCD Treatment:

If you are suffering from OCD or think you may be presenting these symptoms you should book an appointment with your GP. 

There are a number of medications available as well as psychotherapy or counselling. 

OCD is nothing to be ashamed of and treatment is available to be accessed. 

If you would like to get some more information, please visit the sites below: 

Read more in our Mental Health section.

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