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September Editor’s Letter

September Editor’s Letter

Team Missy

Hello there, and welcome to the September Issue of!

There’s something about September that I just love. Maybe it’s the new stationary. Or the comfort of putting on a big, warm scarf. Or it might just be the noticeable change in the air. A change and a new chance. I always found September very exciting and motivational. It’s a great time to start over.

A lot of you are probably returning to school, albeit a bit begrudgingly. Maybe you’re just starting a new year or you might be about to make the big leap to college. Or you could just be lingering around these parts, that’s cool. We welcome you all! We’re all about new beginnings this September, which is also our very first month here at

Coming Up In The September Issue of

We have a focus on getting your game face ready for school with (Beauty) School Prep, Top 5 Tips To Study Better and Lunch Box Ideas. Or if you just want to tune out the school talk we have some Best Makeup Buys On A Budget and Wardrobe Updates To See You Into Autumn along with the more serious topics like Under The Influence and a chat about Hannah Witton’s awesome book Doing It.

You can see everything coming up on The September Issue of with the links going live as they’re published daily at 8am.

Also, as I already touched on briefly this is our very first month! A bit like starting school I’m not really sure where this is going to go and although I’m super nervous I’m also excited about the year ahead. I’m hoping we can get through this together.

We want to be you’re go-to for advice, help, encouragement, inspiration or just to escape with a bit of beauty chat. Whatever you want it to be.

I’d love to hear your thoughts or suggestions. Or if you’d just like to say hi you can pop me an email any time at

I hope you all have a fabulous September!

-Dani, Editor of Missy


P.S don’t forget to follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter to keep up to date on all the goings on plus we have some exciting competitions coming up.

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