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Things Nobody Tells You About Periods, But We’re Going To

Things Nobody Tells You About Periods, But We’re Going To

Team Missy

Let’s be real—periods are a part of life, but sometimes it feels like there’s a lot left unsaid about them. From unexpected surprises to feelings we didn’t know were totally normal, navigating your period can be tricky at times. But here’s the thing: You’re not alone in this. Periods are a shared experience for many of us, and there’s no reason to feel embarrassed or uncertain about what’s happening with your body. We’re here to break down a few of the things nobody tells you about periods and, most importantly, to reassure you that it’s all completely normal!

Your Flow Can Be Different Every Month

One month, your period is light and easy. The next month, it feels like you’re starring in your own horror movie. Sound familiar? Periods aren’t always consistent, and that’s okay. Your flow can vary from month to month based on stress, changes in your body, or even what you’ve been eating. While it can be frustrating not knowing exactly what to expect, remember that it’s totally normal for your body to do its own thing. It’s all part of the process, and there’s nothing wrong with you.

Day 2 Is Usually the Heaviest (and That’s Normal)

Let’s talk about Day 2. If you’ve ever found yourself thinking, “Am I seriously losing this much blood?!”—you’re not alone. Day 2 is typically the heaviest day of most periods, and it can be overwhelming. But here’s the good news: this is normal! Your body is just doing its thing, and while it can feel a bit intense, there’s nothing unnatural about it. Don’t be afraid to change your pad or tampon more frequently on this day, or switch to a product that gives you extra protection. You’ve got options, and it’s all about finding what makes you feel comfortable and confident.

Cramps Can Feel Different for Everyone

We’ve all heard about period cramps, but did you know that they can vary a lot from person to person? Some people feel cramps in their lower abdomen, while others might feel them in their back or even down their legs. The intensity can differ too—some months might be a breeze, while others can leave you curled up in bed. Whatever your experience, know that it’s valid. If your cramps are seriously affecting your life, don’t hesitate to chat with a doctor about it. There are solutions out there that can help!

Mood Swings Are Real (and Totally Fine!)

Ever felt like crying over the smallest thing or snapping at someone for no reason when you’re on your period? Yep, mood swings are a real part of the experience for a lot of people. Your hormones are fluctuating, and that can make your emotions feel a little all over the place. It’s important to be kind to yourself during this time. If you’re feeling extra sensitive, remind yourself that it’s just your body doing its thing, and it’s okay to take a step back and focus on self-care.

Leaks Happen to Everyone

If you’ve ever had a leak while on your period, it’s easy to feel embarrassed or frustrated. But guess what? Leaks happen to everyone at some point. Whether it’s because you didn’t expect your flow to be so heavy or your product shifted out of place, accidents can happen. Carrying an extra pad or tampon in your bag can be a lifesaver, and dark clothing on heavier days is always a good idea. But most importantly, don’t be hard on yourself—it’s just part of the learning curve.

Tampons, Pads, and Cups—Find What Works for You

When it comes to period products, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Some people swear by tampons, while others prefer pads or menstrual cups. It’s all about what feels right for you. Don’t feel pressured to use a certain product because your friends are using it. Experiment, see what makes you feel most comfortable, and remember that it’s okay to switch things up as your needs change.

See Also

It’s Okay to Talk About Your Period

Finally, one of the most important things to know about periods: It’s okay to talk about them. Whether it’s with friends, a parent, or a doctor, you should never feel like your period is something you have to hide. Talking about periods helps normalize them and lets others know they aren’t alone. So, if you’re feeling uncertain or just want to vent about Day 2 struggles, don’t hesitate to open up!

Periods can be confusing, unpredictable, and, let’s be honest, sometimes annoying. But they’re also a natural part of life, and you are not alone in experiencing them. Whether your period feels like a minor inconvenience or a monthly ordeal, know that your body is doing exactly what it’s supposed to do. So take a deep breath, stock up on your favorite products, and remember—you’ve got this! If you have any tips or experiences you’d like to share, drop them in the comments. We’re all in this together!

We’ve got you covered with everything that you need to know over in our period section.

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