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Tips For Dressing With Confidence

Tips For Dressing With Confidence

Ella Morley

We wear clothes every day. Despite the odd pyjama day, we get up, get dressed and go about our lives. Therefore, it is important we feel confident in the clothes we get dressed in.

Here are some tips for dressing with confidence…

Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable

Wearing clothes that make you feel comfortable is key for dressing with confidence. You do not need to follow a certain fashion trend to look fabulous. Instead develop your own style.

If you do not feel comfortable wearing heels opt for a different type of shoe. If you prefer wearing a backpack to a handbag then go for it. You do not need to follow the crowd.

The absolute worst thing you can do when dressing up is to constantly copy someone else. You owe it to yourself to be yourself. Show the world what you’ve got.


As Martin Charnin once famously said or as Annie once sang, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile.” This rings true to this day.

A smile will make all the difference to your outfit and make you look ten times better. The best part is that it costs nothing. It is the best accessory you will ever have and is guaranteed to give you the boost of confidence you need.

Try it now and you will see that your mood will elevate simply by smiling. You look wonderful! Now that you know it works, make it a habit and you will find that your confidence will soar.

Own your look

Own the look that you have created. Stand tall with your head held high and do not take heed of anyone else’s opinion, yours is all that matters. If you look and feel great in your head what does it matter what anyone else thinks?

Instead of making everyone else around you happy (which will never work anyway) why not make you happy? People will always judge you no matter what you wear.  Ironically not following the crowd is what attracts people. Remember to be confident (or at least fake it until you make it) and radiate happy vibes.


Try new things. See what you come up with. You may very well come across a new outfit you never thought to put together before. Do not knock something until you try it.

Think you do not look great in red. Well think again. It could just be your signature colour. Think hats are not your thing. Maybe you just have not found the right type that suits your face shape.

See Also

There is no limit to the things you can try. You will make mistakes but without them you would not find your style. Embrace them rather than letting them get you down.

Have fun

Last but not least and most important of all. Do not forget to have fun.

Imagine you’re at a fashion shoot or walking down the catwalk. Really strut your stuff and listen to the imaginary audience’s applause. Show off to the mirror your latest and craziest outfits. It may take a few tries before you are ready to grace the public with your fashion statement.

Grab a friend and have a few laughs styling each other in the most elegant or alternatively creative outfits. This will take all the stress out of choosing an outfit and show you the fun side of fashion.

Follow these tips and you are sure to get that extra boost of confidence you need for everyday life.

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