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Tips To Stay On Top of Your Study This Midterm Break (but also relax!)

Tips To Stay On Top of Your Study This Midterm Break (but also relax!)

Sorcha Kennedy

Happy Midterm!!!!

Guys, we did it. I don’t know how but we’ve made it to October. I know it hasn’t been easy. Between school, college, work, exams, stress, and anxiety, it has truly been an interesting couple of months and a week off is certainly what the doctor ordered.

Now, unfortunately for me, I have the joy of returning to my autumn exams after midterm, my dreams of late nights and lie-ins have been dashed by study and revision. It’s no lie that I find it hard to stay focused and the thoughts of studying when so many of my friends will be able to take a proper break really has me unmotivated for the week ahead.

So here are a few things that I am trying to do this week to keep myself motivated with study and homework and that allows me to get a little well-deserved break.

1. Make a plan

Oh boy, do I love a good study plan. Carve out a little time each day for study or homework. Now, I find if I stick down “Maths” on my plan I’ll do nothing. Write down what chapters or sections you need to do over the week, so you know exactly what to do. Spread your subjects out over the week so you aren’t forcing yourself to study one subject for two or three hours. An extra little tip; start with the subject you’re dreading. Honestly, it’s the only way to get it done!

2. Bedtime still matters!

I know we all want to stay up till the early hours on facetime with our friends and sleeping in till midday, but don’t. Your body has only just gotten used to your school sleep schedule so don’t mess it up. Stick to your bedtimes as much as possible to avoid being even more tired when you get back to school. Go to bed at a reasonable time, then get up early and get the things you need to be done, done! Sleep is your friend.

3. Fresh air and water.

Yes, water and fresh air are miracle workers and can heal almost any problem. I have found recently that I have no time to get outside for some proper fresh air and my water consumption is way down thanks to all this mask-wearing. So, I am trying to take this time to get myself rehydrated and take as many breaks out in the fresh air as possible. Go for a walk, get out of the house. You’ve got one week of not having to water a mask for eight hours a day, take advantage of it!

4. Family time.

I know they drive us crazy, but family time is important. When you’re rushing from school to study or extra circulars and mums and dads are going from work to grocery shopping to driving us around, quality time is not something that we are getting in our normal days. So, sit back this week and enjoy your time with your family. Offer to cook dinner (I won’t be offering to do this one, food poisoning is the last thing we need in my house) or maybe empty the dishwasher. Watch some TV as a family, Gogglebox is our personal favourite and have a laugh. Laughing is something that we rarely do at the minute. So, enjoy it! They can go back to being pains in the backside next week.

See Also

5. Halloween at home!

This one should go without saying. But it really is more important than ever to stay at home. I know we all had plans to spend this midterm with our friends, but this cannot happen. Why not carve pumpkins over Zoom? Or do an online fancy dress party? Just because we can’t all physically be together doesn’t mean that we can’t have some well-deserved fun!

No matter what you do this midterm, don’t forget to enjoy it!

Read More: Making the Most of Level 5 Midterm

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