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Why You Should Do The Things That Scare You

Why You Should Do The Things That Scare You

Róisín Lynch

We all like feeling comfortable, it makes us feel safe and protected. However, by avoided challenges and things that make us uncomfortable we very well may be missing out on some great opportunities in life.

Here are a few reasons why you should try to step outside of your comfort zone a little bit more often and do the things that scare you…

You’ll become comfortable with the uncomfortable

The comfort zone is a great place but unfortunately nothing ever changes or grows there.

To really experience a full life you are going to have to break away from your comfort zone and challenge yourself with new experiences. The best side effect of stepping out of your comfort zone is that it will force you to grow as a person. If you stay in the same place you won’t have to challenge yourself. By stepping out and forcing yourself to do things that scare you, you will see that you can do things you never thought you could.

The more you do this the stronger you become and you will gradually get more used to leaving your safe place. Facing your fears and getting used to challenging yourself shows you that you really can achieve anything you put your mind to!

You’ll discover new things

What’s best is that when you start forcing yourself to do things you thought you didn’t like you might just discover a new hobby or two.

For example, your friend wants to start going to a new running club, you tell yourself you don’t like mixing with people you don’t know and you don’t enjoy running but you decide to go anyway. You find out that you feel happier and more energised coming back from the training and actually enjoyed the company of the other people and have discovered that this will act as great motivation to kickstart the health journey that you have been trying to for years.

When you stay in the same routine for years you don’t realise all the things in life that you are missing out on and all the things that you might just enjoy. So challenge yourself and try new things and you never quite know where it will lead!

You’ll be happier

It sounds a bit contradicting because leaving your comfort zone can be quite a daunting experience however in the end it will only force you to grow as a person and develop more confidence and this in turn will lead to more happiness.

Discovering new things, meeting new people and experiencing all the adventures that life has to offer can really only make you feel good about yourself. After all, a life with no regrets is a life well lived.

Leaving your comfort zone is challenging but the best part of a challenge is the feeling of relief and excitement when it’s done. So go out and embrace all that life has to offer!

See Also

You’ll be more successful

Staying in your comfort zone and being successful are a pair that rarely go together. In order to be successful you have to be ok with leaving your comfort zone as much as you can!

The climb to the top may be difficult but the view will be worth it. Success involves taking risks, overcoming challenges and really pushing yourself. These are very difficult things to do when in your comfort zone. Becoming more accustomed to being uncomfortable will only help you and future successes.

As well, leaving your comfort zone is incredibly character building. It forces you to act more confident than you really are(fun fact: confidence is a mindset, faking it until you make it is key.)

Say yes to that presentation, apply for that job you don’t think you are fully qualified for, take action on that business idea. Even if they don’t work out, you learnt a valuable lesson and grew as a person in the mean-time. You’ve won regardless!

2022 is here why not make a promise to yourself to step outside your comfort zone more and do the things that scare you, it could end up being one of the best years of your life!

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