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10 Questions With…Eabha O’Donoghue

10 Questions With…Eabha O’Donoghue

Veronica Murphy

Another week, another fave influencer of ours answering our 10 questions. This week we catch up with the ever-so-stylish Eabha O’Donoghue. The Dublin-based influencer and model has an Instagram feed full of fits that are to die for as well as a TikTok following of over 91,000. Her most popular video on the app went viral and is currently sitting at a humble 12.5 million views.

We love Eabha for her never-ending fashion inspo, but also because the girl knows not to take herself too seriously.

Here’s what she had to say for this week’s 10 questions…

1. What was the first thing you did when you woke up this morning?

The first thing I did was go straight to BRS at 6:30, I prefer getting my workout done first thing in the morning to set me up for the day! 


2. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?

The last person I spoke to on the phone was my manager Bronagh, we call each other multiple times a day.


3. Last book you read?

I’m not really into reading, but the last book that I read was called Healing Scars. I was in my heartbreak era!


4. What destination is on your bucket list?

The Maldives has been on my bucket list since forever! Hoping one day I will be able go there. It’s my dream honeymoon destination.


5. Makeup or skincare?

Oh this one is really hard! I think I would have to go with skincare. I feel like if you have a good skincare routine you’re good to go without makeup. I also think skincare is the most important step of my makeup routine.


6. Last series you binge-watched?

I’m currently watching Griselda on Netflix and I’ve been loving it! 


7. Quote/advice you live by?

I have two favourite quotes that I live by and I feel like I grew up with my mom reminding me of them all the time! Everything happens for a reason & What’s meant for you won’t pass you by!

See Also


8. Biggest ick/pet peeve?

A guy with no drive or ambition would have to be my biggest ick! 


9. Last thing you bought?

I just bought myself my daily ice oat vanilla latte!


10. Something you want to achieve in 2024?

There are so many things I want to achieve in 2024! The main one being to continue growing on my socials.

That’s it for another week of chatting to our favourite Irish influencers. We will be back next week with more, and don’t forget to leave your comments below of who you would like to see take part next.

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