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Why You Need To Read Doing It

Why You Need To Read Doing It

Team Missy

doing it hannah witton

Have you heard of Hannah Witton? Maybe you have. Or maybe she’s gotten lost down the vortex that is YouTube, but you need to know her right now. Hannah has an amazing YouTube channel that mainly focuses on a range of youth centric issues such as relationships, friends and sex. Earlier this year she brought out a book called Doing It. Can you guess what it’s about yet?

What’s It About?

The blurb describes it as follows…

Sexting. Virginity. Consent. The Big O … Let’s face it, doing it can be tricky. I don’t know anyone (including myself) who has sex all figured out. So I’ve written a book full of honest, hilarious (and sometimes awkward) anecdotes, confessions and revelations. And because none of us have all the answers, I’ve invited some friends and fellow YouTubers to talk about their sexuality, too.

We talk about doing it safely. Doing it joyfully. Doing it when you’re ready. Not doing it. Basically, doing it the way you want, when you want. So. Let’s do this.

Sold? You should be. We at Missy think that this should be required reading. Because it’s one of the things that we worry most about when it comes to our readers. Back in our day, only a few short years ago ,we learned most of our Sex Ed from teen magazines such as KISS, Bliss and Sugar. And sadly they’re no longer on the newsstands. God knows we were not getting any info from schools. And although the internet is fricken’ deadly, there’s a lot of misinformation and down right wrong information out there. And those friends who act like they know it all when it comes to s.e.x…they don’t. Which is why we think you need to read Hannah’s book. She has the answers to all those questions that niggle in your head.

The book explores the ideas around virginity, LGBTQ+, masturbation, healthy relationships, consent, porn, body image, STIs, sex shaming, sexual pleasure, contraception and sexting. Hannah approaches each matter in a positive, informative way. There’s a mix of personal stories from Hannah and her friends,  with some words of wisdom. She provides sound advise written in a straight-forward and non-judgemental way and which really covers a lot of ground and provides genuine, important information. It’s not even the sort of book that you necessarily need to read from cover to cover. You can just leaf through it when you need a bit more information on a topic.

See Also

We’re not the only ones who think you need to be more in the know. Snapchat King James Kavanagh started a series a few months ago after being shocked by the amount of sex education questions he was receiving from his teen viewers. “I was shook at the amount of messages I received from young people who hadn’t a clue about STIs and how to avoid catching them – or indeed how you get them” he said. “Chlamydia is not the name of a posh, little girl. When I was in school, sex educaysh was DESPERATE. As it turns, from the messages I got, sex ed is still pretty dire in Ireland. The more we talk, the more safe we can all be”. That’s definitely something that we can agree on, which is why Doing It is such an important read.

Just Read Doing It!

We think you should all take a read of this book. You’re sure to learn a thing or two, we certainly did. It’s funny to read at times, but also insightful and full of information that you need to know. And if you’re thinking to yourself “OMG I’d be far to embarrassed to buy a book about sex” here’s the thing, you probably shouldn’t be Doing It yet. Also, don’t forget to check out Hannah’s YouTube Channel!

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