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Debs Mistakes: What To Avoid

Debs Mistakes: What To Avoid

Sophie Coffey
Mistakes to avoid at Debs

Your debs is a big day and one that you should be able to enjoy without any discomforts or added stresses.

Here are some important tips on what to avoid to ensure your debs runs as smoothly as possible.

Avoid new shoes

While it may be tempting to purchase a beautiful new pair of heels and save them for the night itself, DON’T! New shoes can rub uncomfortably or painfully against your feet at first wear.

To ensure maximum hours of dancing, break your shoes in a little. If you really want to save them for the night itself even just wearing them around the house a few times will help to reduce discomfort. This will soften the material just enough to avoid blisters or cuts.

Pick up a packet of Compeed Blister Plasters to keep in your debs bag just in case. Even if you don’t use them you’ll be hailed a hero if someone else is in need of them!

Avoid trying something for the first time

Perhaps the hairstyle or make up you are planning on rocking is something a bit new and different for you. Trial it out a few times to ensure not only that you are able to do it but that you like it as much as you think.

If you do it for the first time on the day you run the risk of not actually liking how it turns out or finding that you are unable to do it yourself. This way you can be confident in your choice.

Avoid obsessing over pictures


Of course, you will want loads of pictures to be able to look back on and reminisce so be sure to capture the memories. However, your social media account does not require a step by step viewing of the night. Be careful that you don’t end up viewing the whole experience through a camera screen and forget to take it all in.

If you really want some additional photos speak to others who attended and find out if they have any great photos to share. Parents are also brilliant for having whole collections of photos taken before any damage was done to your hair or make up.

We also put together a little guide to help you get the best pictures ever!

Avoid last minute orders


See Also

While it is absolutely true that there are loads of beautiful outfits and dresses online for great prices, be careful. Make sure to order early to avoid any chances of the dress arriving late or not arriving at all. Order as early as possible to ensure that you have plenty of time to try it on and make a final decision. This offers you options to deal with the possibility that you no longer like the outfit or it doesn’t fit correctly. Not only will you have plenty of time to return it but you will also have time to search for a replacement.

Avoid being a diva


We know that your debs is a special day and one that you’ve probably looked forward to for years. As a result we can understand you wanting it to be perfect and panicking if something goes wrong but don’t become a diva. Your family and friends do not deserve a debzilla driving them all mad and stressing unnecessarily.

If you spend too long worrying and panicking, you won’t be able to truly enjoy yourself and end up wasting something you’ve been looking forward too. 

Avoid new products

Treating yourself to a new fake tan or a more expensive brand of foundation might sound appealing but if you don’t try them out beforehand there is a possibility of your skin reacting negatively to the products. To avoid a possibility of rashes or blemishes make sure you have tested all new products out on your skin at least twenty-four hours ahead.

Are there any other debs mistakes that should be avoided at all costs?

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