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Climate Change: What You Need To Know And What You Can Do

Climate Change: What You Need To Know And What You Can Do

Alannah Murray

To everyone else besides Donald Trump it seems abundantly clear that our planet is getting hotter and that some people *cough cough* politicians, are not doing anything to tackle it. It seems that the need for change has been left up to the younger generations of the world.

Two years ago, a 16-year-old Swedish school girl called Greta Thurnberg skipped classes each Friday to sit outside the Swedish parliament, by herself, advocating for climate change action. On Friday the 15th of march 2019 Greta was joined by more than 4 million students all around the world marching and demanding change with her. We are running out of time to make change, so the time is now. 

What you need to know about climate change. 

  1. Our actions will become irreversible in the next 11 years. 

If you are reading this chances are that climate change will not impact you too heavily in your lifetime, but in the lifetime of your children or grandchildren it will. Since the time of the industrial revolution climate change has been getting progressivily worse and we are now nearing the time that nothing can be done about it anymore. Humans have just over 11 years to rectify our wrongs. 

  1. People who still deny it are fooling themselves. 

There is an overwhelming amount of proof that climate change is real and happening. Our sea levels have risen at an astonishing rate since the ice caps have begun to melt. Countries have reached record high temperatures in the past year and we have lost over half animal species from deforestation and other harmful toxins. There is no more room for being sceptical bout the sources of proof when they are right in front of your eyes. Ignorance is not bliss in this case. 

  1. We will be the first generation to save our planet. 

Not trying to toot our own horn here but we are just the beginning of a wave of generation who will follow in our footsteps to save the planet. 

What you can do for climate change. 

Im sure you’ve heard the speech already. Turn off the lights don’t use too much water recycle. But there is much more you can do. 

  1. Cut down on red meat. 

I know it is a foolish concept to think that everyone is going to give up Christmas dinner at the click of fingers, but the meat industry is one of the biggest contributors to the rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere and by cutting down on red meat, such as steak and mince you could make a hell of difference. Did you know that if we killed humans at the same rate that we kill animals we would all be gone in 17 DAYS? All 7.7 billion of us. 

  1. Buy a reusable-products. 

Did you know one reusable water bottle (3 euro in Penney’s btw) can make up for 167 normal plastic bottles? Did you know one reusable coffee cup can make for 500 normal coffee cups? Reusable products are available everywhere and for just about everything and in the long run they will actually save you money. 

See Also

  1. Stay far away from single use plastics. 

Single use plastic are the equivalent of King Joffrey in Game of Thrones. They are the Voldemort of the Wizarding World and you should not use them. Practically useless and take years to decompose they are no good and will not be coming into th future with use. Things like plastic straws, plastic bags, cling film and plastic cups. Stay clear. 

  1. Do your best to avoid palm oil. 

This scandal being covered and hushed by the big companies that make money of chopping down the trees of the amazon at an alarming rate and extracting the palm oil for use in everyday food products that could be easily replaced by a more eco-friendly product. Not only does this kill our natural source of air by cutting down trees but it also murders numerous indigenous animals in the amazons. We have already lost half population of the orangutans. 

  1. Do the basic. 

The speech you are given still has some meaning. Turn off the lights, switch off the tap, walk or cycle instead of driving, use both sides of the paper. Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth. Simple easy things can make the biggest difference. 

Remember that we can fix climate change but we need to do it NOW. Don’t be scared. Spread the word. 

Read More: Why Our Climate Needs Saving

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