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Leaving Cert Exam Diary: October

Leaving Cert Exam Diary: October

Sophie Coffey

Follow writer, Sophie Coffey, as she navigates the 2020 Leaving Certificate month-by-month. In part 2, Sophie shares her October Leaving Cert Exam Diary.

2 months down, 7 to go!

Another month down on my Leaving Certificate journey and even better, mid-term has arrived!

The first half term is the longest of the academic year and it definitely feels like it. Many of the novelties of sixth year have already worn off and been replaced by a desperate desire for napping to become a part of the core curriculum. However, one novelty that is absolutely still appreciated is the common room. How we survived without it remains a complete mystery to us all. As does the peculiar orange stain on the bottom shelf of the communal fridge…. 

Unfortunately, the novelties are not the only things beginning to wane and some of the momentum that commenced this year has also faded. Already some of my procrastination traits have started to make reappearances. My procrastination has actually managed to turn into productivity in some cases, although not in the way that you might think. 

I recently set myself up at my desk to embark on some economics revision. I had a freshly made cup of coffee, a neatly organised workstation and had even removed my phone so that I would have no distractions. However, I didn’t account for the fact that my brain itself might actually be the biggest distraction of them all! Midway through (well, maybe it was closer to ten minutes into) revising economic growth, I gave up and instead turned my valued time and attention to writing my gift giving list for Christmas. Christmas!

On the bright side even if I don’t do very well in my Leaving Cert, at least my family will have received phenomenal gifts. It’s a shame the phrase “it’s the thought that counts” doesn’t apply to my exams.

To be, or not to be

We have been making steady progress with the various material for the exams and even made it to a unique interpretation of Hamlet recently, as part of our English course. I’m not convinced that Shakespeare’s characters wore Apple watches and Adidas, but the modern twist did give the play an interesting perspective. As any sixth year will tell you, anything that helps us understand Shakespeare is very much appreciated.

Hello, Midterm!

Everyone around me has spent the last couple of weeks counting down the time until mid-term. Nine whole days where we don’t have to think about anything remotely school related. 

Except the homework. And the study. And also the revision questions.

See Also

Okay, so maybe it is not quite as relaxing a mid-term as in previous years, however, it is still a chance to take a well deserved and much needed break. I’m hoping to try and keep up with study in the morning and leave my afternoons to relax and catch up with friends. A bit of retail therapy wouldn’t go amiss either, I’m sure! 

The time might be going a bit quicker than I would like but I am delighted mid-term has arrived and I’m looking forward to a few less intense days to relax and prepare myself for what promises to be a busy second half of the term.

Top Tip for October: Try to use your mid-term to catch up on any work you missed or any topics you might be slightly behind on but also remember to give yourself a well-deserved break.

Catch up on all of Sophie’s Exam Diaries.

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