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New Album Alert: Solar Power by Lorde

New Album Alert: Solar Power by Lorde

Sarah Kirwan

Lorde is back on the music scene!

After taking a break from the public-eye following the release of her second album, she’s back with a new album and are we glad to see her again…

A Look-back At Lorde’s Career

In 2013, Lorde’s debut album Pure Heroine was released.  Pure Heroine, especially its lead single Royals, received huge attention and appreciation from both critics and the general public. Her second album Melodrama was released in 2017.

Shortly after the Melodrama tour, Lorde essentially disappeared from the public eye. During this time, she began working on her latest album, Solar Power.

Solar Power’s Singles (So Far!)

The album’s first single (also named Solar Power) was released in June. The song is different to her previous music, while still staying true to her original music style.

Stoned at the Nail Salon, her second single, was released last month. The song explores the darker, nostalgic side of her album, reminiscent of some of her earlier works, such as The Louvre

The album’s third single, Mood Ring, dropped on August 17th, only three days before her album release. Using a mood ring as a metaphor, Lorde describes her song as ‘a song about trying to feel spiritually connected in our modern world and all of the little tools and systems that we all use to try and feel that.’

Solar Power Track List

Solar Power’s tracklist contains 12 songs:

See Also

  1. The Path 
  2. Solar Power
  3. California
  4. Stoned at the Nail Salon
  5. Fallen Fruit
  6. Secrets From a Girl (Who’s Seen It All)
  7. The Man with An Axe
  8. Dominoes
  9. Big Star 
  10. Leader of a New Regime
  11. Mood Ring
  12. Oceanic Feeling

The album drops on August 20th, along with a variety of Solar Power vinyls and a music box, an ‘environmentally kind, forward-thinking alternative to the CD.’

Solar Power merch releases slightly later on October 1st. Lorde’s merch is available to preorder on her official website!

Are you excited to listen to Lorde’s new album, Solar Power.

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