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Podcasts to Educate Yourself on Racial Injustice

Podcasts to Educate Yourself on Racial Injustice

Sophie Coffey

Posts on social media are a start but one of the first and most progressive steps towards being anti-racist is educating yourself. So far on we have recommended some amazing books and tv series and films. We all learn in different ways and another fantastic option is podcasts. These are also really handy to listen to whether you are out on a walk or simply staying inside.
Here are 5 podcasts to educate yourself on racial injustice and racism in Ireland and around the world.

Racism is Real in Ireland

The continued existence of racism in Ireland has risen to the forefront of conversation recently. This podcast is presented and researched by Mary Oyediran. Dr John Wilkins, Lassane Ouedraogo and Shae Flanagan discuss their experiences and journeys as African migrants in Ireland across six valuable episodes. The topics covered span integration, education, employment, diversity, hate speech/hate crime and multiculturalism and each podcast ends with worthwhile recommendations.
Listen here.

About Race with Reni Eddo-Lodge

You have probably heard of the brilliant book “Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race”. Reni Eddo-Lodge is the author behind the book and also the creator of this fantastic podcast. The nine episodes delve deeper into many of the topics discussed in the book and it is just as valuable as the book for offering an educational insight.
Listen here.

Box’d Out

Amanda Adé’s IGTV on her experience of racism in Ireland has surpassed half a million views and her podcast is equally worth a listen. In her own words the aim of her podcast is about “daring to have those conversations that nobody else dares to have”. Alongside special guests Amanda explores the depths of the issue of racism both in Ireland and abroad in each of her thought-provoking episodes.
Listen here.

Yo, Is This Racist

Andrew Ti hosts this unique podcast with Tawny Newsome as his co-host. Alongside their special guests, the pair answer voicemails and emails sent in by listeners questioning whether or not something is racist. They tackle each episode with humour but also wisdom and honesty making this an extremely useful, interesting, and educational podcast.
Listen here.

See Also

The Stoop

This podcast is hosted by journalists and producer Leila Day and Hana Baba. Their aim is to “start conversations about what it means to be black and how we talk about blackness. It’s a celebration of black joy with a mission to dig deeper into stories that we don’t hear enough about”. The most recent episode entitled That Black Tax provides a level of insight that I had previously lacked awareness of and I highly recommend a listen.
Listen here.
Have you come across any other podcasts on on racial injustice?

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