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The Danger of The Comfort Zone And Why You Must Escape It

The Danger of The Comfort Zone And Why You Must Escape It

Anna Powell

It can be really scary to make a change to your daily routine. Especially when that change means diving head first into the unknown. However, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is one habit everyone needs to have to experience life to the fullest.

Comfort Zones Can Make You Unmotivated

When you become too comfortable in your daily routine, in your life in general or in even your relationships, you can become very unmotivated. It is so important to branch out and explore new opportunities and new connections.

Comfort Zones Can Make You Freeze In Fear

Your mind can easily convince you to stay in your comfort zone instead of trying something new. It easily convinces you to be afraid of the unknown. This fear stops you from trying new things in life and keeps you rooted in one spot.

Comfort Zones Make You Feel Safe

Your comfort zone can feel like a bubble of protection from the outside world. It’s an area of your life that you feel poses no harm to your well-being. Although your comfort zone can be a comforting and safe place, it can also be of major harm to your well-being. Your comfort bubble can greatly restrict your growth and development as a person. 

Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone needs to become your number one habit. In the split second it takes you to make a decision, you need to choose the option that is going to help you develop the most as a person. These choices don’t need to be monumental decisions in order to have an impact on your life. Below I have listed some of the ways in which pushing yourself out of your comfort zone can be of benefit to you.

New Opportunities

You can find new opportunities by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. There are so many opportunities out there just waiting for you; you just need to decide to do something different.

Instead of scrolling social media for the next twenty minutes, challenge yourself to research opportunities in areas that are of interest to you. This step could make all the difference to your daily life.

New Experiences

If you don’t decide to push yourself out of your comfort zone every now and again, you are going to miss out on so many different life experiences. Some of the best nights out I have had have always been on the nights I didn’t particularly feel like socialising with others

New Skills

To start with, everyone must be a beginner. You have to be willing to get out of your comfort zone and try something new in order to become great at something. It doesn’t matter if you’re not amazing at something straight away, if you like it, stick with it and see what you learn.

See Also

New Friends

If you can manage to push yourself out of your comfort zone and introduce yourself to some new people, you may just make yourself a new friend –and that’s always a huge bonus in life. Staying in your comfort zone is what will hold you back from making new friends.

New Mistakes

Not all decisions are going to turn out great. This must be accepted in order to reap the rewards of escaping your comfort zone. Although your decisions may turn out to be mistakes in the end, these mistakes will provide you with an opportunity to develop as a person.

There you; all the reasons you should try push yourself out of your comfort zone. Don’t feel like you have to go mad and book a bungee jump – but being aware that you might sometimes be holding yourself back and making an effort to push yourself out of your comfort zone every now and then will make a huge difference in your life – trust us!

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