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Ways To Get Fit For Free

Ways To Get Fit For Free

Team Missy

Being fit and healthy is so, so important. It’s not just about looking your best, but feeling your best too and having a healthy heart. It can be hard to fit in a fun activity around school, work and everything else. But thanks to the world wide web and the fresh outdoors it can be easy and fun. Here are some fun ways to get fit for free.


There are tons of Youtube videos to get you working up a sweat. We love Blogilates which should be awarded the funnest workout videos on the planet. We love Cassey’s dance videos. If you’re looking for something less intense but still challenging try Ballet Beautiful videos to bring out your inner swan.  And last but not least if you’re looking for something to really up your game The Body Coach as a large selection of videos that are perfect for varying workouts.

Join A Team

A fun and social way to up your fitness is to join a team. You could look at joining a sport in school, college or a local team. Now is the time that local teams start recruiting so keep an eye out on Facebook and local papers. If you can’t find anything why not think about starting your own team? You and a group of friends could get together and start your own Tag Rugby team or even a running group.

Hit The Books

Although this isn’t exactly free to begin with as it involves purchasing a book, Harry Judd from McFly/McBusted fame is releasing a book next month titled Get Fit, Get Happy  which is full of fun workouts that require no equipment or gym membership. If you’re looking for a positive way to improve and some inspiration we really would recommend investing a few euro in it.

See Also

Get Outside

And finally the most efficient way to get your fitness levels up, get outside and walk or run. It’s that simple. Go for a long walk either on your own with your headphones or rope in a few friends for a good gossip session. If you’re invested in getting into running try the Couch To 5km Challenge or download the Nike App which tracks your running or walking.

Which one will you try?

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