Monday Myths: Study
‘Monday Myths’ is a new segment on, where we state facts about certain topics, and you decide if you believe them to be true or false. We’ll then let you know whether it’s true or not.
This week’s topic is…Study.
Study Myths Debunked
Everyone has the same learning style…
Everyone has a different way of studying. Be it visual, re-writing notes or speaking out loud. Try out a few different methods to find what works best for you!
Read More: Which of This Study Techniques Is Best For You?
You are either right or left brained…
You might have heard this one before. It has been said that people who use their left brain are more logical and people who use their right are more creative but there is actually no evidence to suggest that someone is preferentially right or left!
You should always stick with your first answer on a test…
You might have been told in school to stick to your gut and go with your first answer but it has been proven that there is no harm going back over a question you are unsure about! Listening to your gut is the most important factor!
You can make yourself more intelligent…
While we commonly believe that intelligence is something that is fixed at birth, dedicating yourself to your studies and working hard to understand rather then just learn things will improve your intelligence over time.
Taking notes is better than re-reading text…
It is reccomended you take notes while reading a piece of text for the first time and then review those notes when studying rather than just reading over a bunch of text to best prepare you for an exam.
Are you familiar with any of these study myths?