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Let’s Talk About The Pressure Around Debs

Let’s Talk About The Pressure Around Debs

Team Missy

The Debs – it’s one of the most anticipated nights in any student’s school life. It’s a night to dress up, dance, and celebrate with friends as you close one chapter and prepare to start the next. But in recent years, the Debs has transformed into something much bigger, almost like a mini wedding. From finding the perfect date and a show-stopping dress to organising pre-parties, after-parties, and full glam, the pressure is real. And while that’s exciting for some, it can be overwhelming for others.

Let’s take a closer look at the pressures surrounding the Debs and how to navigate them.

The Pressure to Have a Date

One of the first things that often comes to mind when thinking about the Debs is, “Who will I go with?” The idea that you need a date to enjoy the night is an outdated notion, but it still lingers. This pressure can lead to stress, especially if you don’t have a significant other or if you’re not interested in bringing a date at all.

How to Handle It: Remember, your Debs is about celebrating with your friends. Going solo or with a group can be just as fun – if not more! Focus on enjoying the night with the people who matter to you, rather than worrying about finding a date. Plus, without a date, you have the freedom to dance, mingle, and make the night truly your own.

The Pressure to Find the Perfect Dress

Let’s be honest – a lot of the hype around the Debs revolves around the dress. It’s easy to feel like you need to find a gown that’s not only stunning but also unique and Instagram-worthy. The pressure to look perfect can be intense, and the cost of high-end dresses doesn’t help.

How to Handle It: While it’s natural to want to look your best, it’s important to remember that the perfect dress is the one that makes you feel amazing. Whether it’s a designer gown or a high street find, choose something that reflects your personal style and comfort. And if the thought of shopping stresses you out, consider renting a dress or borrowing from a friend. After all, confidence is the best accessory you can wear.

The Pressure to Go All-Out on Glam

From professionally styled hair and makeup to elaborate nails, the beauty expectations for Debs can feel sky-high. Social media can make it seem like everyone is getting a full glam squad for the night, which can add to the pressure.

How to Handle It: Glam isn’t a requirement for a good time. If you love doing your own makeup or styling your hair, then go for it! It’s your night, and how you choose to present yourself should be up to you. If professional glam is out of your budget or just not your thing, embrace a look that feels true to you. Sometimes less really is more.

The Pressure to Host or Attend Pre- and After-Parties

The Debs has become more than just the main event – now, it’s about the pre-party, the after-party, and everything in between. Hosting or attending these events can add another layer of stress, from the logistics of planning to the fear of missing out (FOMO) if you’re not invited.

How to Handle It: It’s okay not to attend every event. If a pre-party or after-party sounds fun, go for it! But if it feels like too much or you’re just not in the mood, give yourself permission to skip it. Remember, the most important part of the night is celebrating in a way that makes you happy.

See Also

The Pressure to Have the “Perfect” Night

There’s an unspoken expectation that the Debs should be the highlight of your school years – a night where everything is perfect, from the music to the photos. But putting too much pressure on having the “perfect” night can lead to disappointment and stress.

How to Handle It: Perfection is overrated. The best nights are often the ones where things don’t go exactly as planned. Embrace the imperfections, the unexpected moments, and focus on having fun with your friends. Let go of any expectations and just enjoy the experience for what it is – a night to celebrate and create memories.

Remember: It’s Your Night

At the end of the day, the Debs is your night. It’s easy to get caught up in the pressures and expectations, but try to remember what it’s all about – celebrating with your friends and having fun. Whether you go all out or keep it simple, what matters most is that you enjoy the night in a way that feels right for you.

So, take a deep breath, let go of the pressure, and get ready to make some amazing memories. Your Debs is just one night, but it’s the moments with your friends that you’ll cherish for years to come.

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