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The Celebrities Showing Support For Black Lives Matter: What They’re Saying & How You Can Help Too

The Celebrities Showing Support For Black Lives Matter: What They’re Saying & How You Can Help Too

Jessie Bennett

The killing of George Floyd has sparked outrage across the globe, triggering protests and demanding attention for the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Celebrities are using their platform to support BLM. Here’s what they’re saying about the death of George Floyd, how they’re supporting BLM, and how you can help to support BLM too.

What The Celebs Are Saying About BLM

Hailey Bieber

“To say that racism is alive today would be a gross understatement, and to say that white privilege doesn’t exist is ignorance at its finest.”

Hailey Bieber

Hailey Bieber has spoken about the killing of George Floyd on her Instagram. Hailey & Justin also had a conversation with Angela Rye about BLM, the video is available on Hailey’s feed.

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It’s heartbreaking that we’re honoring yet another life that was lost due to the violence and racism our country displays far too often. To say that racism is alive today would be a gross understatement, and to say that white privilege doesn’t exist is ignorance at its finest. We live in a country that denies the same freedom and rights to someone based on the color of their skin… black men, women and children are being MURDERED because of the color of their skin while white men, women and children majority of the time receive a slap on the wrist at best. I am tired, I’m angry, I’m sad, and I will not stay quiet. Changes need to be made, and people need to be behind bars for their actions.. Rest In Peace George Floyd.

A post shared by Hailey Baldwin Bieber (@haileybieber) on

Chrissy Teigen

Queen of sass, Chrissy Teigen, has been vehemently Tweeting about BLM, pledging (a lot of) money to the bail funds of protestors who were arrested. When someone called her out for the gesture, she doubled the donation. You love to see it!

In celebration of whatever the fuck maga night is, I am committed to donating $100,000 to the bail outs of protestors across the country.

— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) May 30, 2020

Ooo they might need more money then. Make it $200,000

— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) May 30, 2020


Rihanna posted an extremely powerful message on her Instagram, paying tribute to George Floyd.

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For the last few days, the magnitude of devastation, anger, sadness I’ve felt has been overwhelming to say the least! Watching my people get murdered and lynched day after day pushed me to a heavy place in my heart! To the point of staying away from socials, just to avoid hearing the blood curdling agony in George Floyd’s voice again, begging over and over for his life!!! The look of enticement, the pure joy and climax on the face of this bigot, murderer, thug, pig, bum, Derek Chauvin, haunts me!! I can’t shake this! I can’t get over an ambulance pulling up to an arrest, a paramedic checking a pulse without removing the very thing that’s hindering it! Is this that fucking normal??? If intentional MURDER is the fit consequence for “drugs” or “resisting arrest”….then what’s the fit consequence for MURDER???! #GeorgeFloyd #AhmaudArbery #BreonnaTaylor

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See Also

What The Celebs Are Doing To Support BLM

Ariana Grande

Ariana has been sharing links to donations and petitions across her social media platforms. The singer also attended and drew attention to a peaceful protest in LA, one the media did not report on.

hours and miles of peaceful protesting yesterday that got little to no coverage.
all throughout beverly hills and west hollywood we chanted, people beeped and cheered along.
we were passionate, we were loud, we were loving.
cover this too please. #BLACKLIVESMATTER

— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) May 31, 2020

Timothée Chalamet

Timothée Chalamet has attended BLM peaceful protests.

EXACTLY @RealChalamet

— d 🦋 (@sunflwrchalamet) May 31, 2020

What Can You Do To Support BLM?

After seeing celebrities support BLM, you’re probably wondering how you can support BLM too.
If you are white, educating yourself about issues of race, racism and white privilege are extremely important as an effort to become anti-racist. You can read books, watch movies, TV shows and documentaries to educate yourself. Listen to podcasts, follow BLM Instagram accounts. You can also show support by donating to various causes.

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