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25 Places to Visit for Free in Dublin

25 Places to Visit for Free in Dublin

Sophie Coffey

We often associate the arrival of the summer holidays with the promise of endless days of freedom. However, the novelty of having nothing to do can wear off when you have, well, nothing to do!

To help combat the potential of any boredom this summer here are 25 free places to visit in Dublin. Yep, the real bonus to your student savings is that they won’t cost a cent!

  1. The Phoenix Park
  2. The National Library of Ireland
  3. The National History Museum (Dead Zoo)
  4. The Chester Beatty Library
  5. The National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology
  6. The National Museum of Ireland – Decorative Arts & History
  7. Hugh Lane Gallery
  8. St Stephen’s Green
  9. Garda Museum and Archives,
  10. Dublin Castle
  11. The National Gallery of Ireland
  12. Pearse Museum-St Enda’s Park
  13. Rathfarnham castle
  14. Casino Marino
  15. James Joyce Tower & Museum
  16. Iveagh Gardens
  17. National Botanic Gardens
  18. Royal Hospital Kilmainham
  19. Farmleigh House and Estate
  20. Irish National War Memorial Gardens
  21. Science Gallery Trinity
  22. Irish Museum of Modern Art
  23. Dollymount Strand
  24. Trinity College Dublin
  25. Merrion Square Park

What are your favourite places to visit for free in Dublin?

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